Love's spot

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Benefits of Poverty. :(

I just told a friend of mine that learning can be sad and depressing. Here is why..

I am taking a sociology class. I have to read various essays and apply sociological theories to different subjects, one of those being poverty.

Functionalism is a theory that describes Society as being organized towards maintaining order. Society is held together by a set of social institutions (family, media, religion) each of which has a specific function in society to meet human need. One of those social insitutions would be poverty.

How does poverty function to meet human need? Well get comfortable and let me tell you!

One of the essays I have to read was written by Herbert J. Gans in 1971 called "The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All." Gans argues against Functionalist ideas about how poverty actually has positive functions in regards to society. What are some of those positive functions?

Gans lists 13..but I will only sample 5.

1. Poverty ensures that society's "dirty work" will be done. The phsycally "dirty or dangerous, temporary, dead-end and underpaid, undignified and menial jobs". "Such occupations found in restaurants, hospitals, parts of the garment industry, and "truck farming" could not persist in their present form without the poor".

(Note: Bush signed the bill today to build a wall along the Mexican/US border to block Mexican immigrants the opportunity to do these very jobs. I wonder who is going to build the wall..)

2. Since the "poor are required to work at low wages, they subsidize a variety of economic activities that benefit the affluent." The maid does all the cleaning which frees up Mama Rich woman with enough time and energy to devote to "professional, cultural, civic and partying activities". Also, because the "poor pay a higher proportion of their income in property and sales taxes, among others, they subsidize many state and local government services that benefit more affluent groups." For example: state education. Everyone in the state of California pays for the UC and Cal State educational system. Unfortunately not all of us can get into these schools.

3. "The poor also serve as a direct cultural function when culture created by or for them is adopted by the affluent." "Almost all Americans listen to the blues, Negro spirituals, and country music, which originated among the Southern poor". Hip-hop wasn't popular when Gan's wrote this piece- but I think we can agree that Hip Hop has been 'adopted' as well, can we not?

4. "The poor help to gaurantee the status of those who are not poor". I don't think this needs an explanation.

5. Lastly and this is important because it is timely: "The Poor facilitate and stablize the American political process.. Since they can rarely support Republicans, they often provide the Democrats with a captive consituency that has no other place to go." The Democrats are garunteed the poor vote- so they don't have to cater to them or address their needs at all, and then they can focus on Middle Class America instead. Right now the Democrats are poised to take over the House and the Senate after the November elections. Make note of the 'promises' being made in order to get themselves elected. Who are those promises being made to? How many of those promises will be kept?

So, essentially, poverty has many positive functions that serve to benefit the affluent.

I am not exactly sure why I am posting this. "Misery loves company" maybe? I'm depressed so I want to force you, my one and only reader, to be depressed as well?

While, reading the essay I couldn't keep my educational distance. My feelings were hurt because largely this is true. I don't wanna work a Mc Donalds (#1)! If ever I feel sorry for myself I say..well at least I am not poor and then proceed to compare myself to those who are less well off (#4). I went to a UC and some poor person working at Mc Donalds (an employer I thumb my nose at) helped pay for it (#2)! Finally, I idealistically and naively felt that Democrats want to and will help us poor black folks (#5)! (I still feel that they are better than Republicans- I'm stubborn-sue me). OH yeah..I'm not exactly poor so scratch the "us" part.

So, in actuality, my feelings weren't hurt. I felt shame for the feelings and thoughts that I recognized in myself that were in agreement with these statements. Shame, because I grew up poor, so it's really ironic that I would have those feelings in the first place. I, also, felt a measure of empathy for those that are still struggling to rise out this social insitution. And sadness, not just because of the odds stacked against them but also because of the 'attitude' towards poverty that was described above. I can tell you that it was demoralizing for me to even sense a superior attitude from someone else in regards to my situation. I can only imagine what it must be like to live with that every day.

My friend responded to my depressing observation about learning by saying "No it's enlightening!" I didn't agree with him at the time..but now I do. I am enlightened to the fact that MY attitude needs adjusting. I do a fair amount of community service- but it's not enough. I need to 'remember' that I am pay check away from being poor and check myself before I develop an attitude of superiority...

Hopefully continued education will help in this endeavor and make my new chosen career path all the more meaningful.

Oh.. that's another positive function of poverty by the way: "Poverty creates jobs for a number of occupations and professions that serve or 'service' the poor.."

Dang..Damned if I do..damned if I don't!

Monday, October 16, 2006

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Some info for you..

Breast Cancer Awareness Information

What is Breast Cancer?

Like all parts of your body, the cells in your breasts usually grow and then rest in cycles controlled by the nucleus. The nucleus is like the control room of each cell. When your genes are in good working order, they keep cell growth under control. However, when your genes develop an abnormality, they sometimes lose their ability to control the cycle of cell growth and rest. Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells.
How Breast Cancer Happens. Breast © 2006™

Everyone is at risk for getting breast cancer, and the risk increases with age. With a life expectancy of 90 years, there is a 14 percent risk. Keep in mind on the flip side there is an 86% chance that you won’t be diagnosed.

Maintaining good health practices and being aware of prevention methods can reduce your risk further.

Tangible ways to reduce your risk? Refrain from smoking
Increase in exercise
Including more fruits and vegetables in
your diet
Lowering alcohol intake
Inheritable breast cancer stems from an abnormality of the Breast Cancer gene BRCA1 and BRCA2, which regulates growth of breast cells. BRCA1 And BRCA2 abnormalities account for 10% of diagnosed breast cancer cases. Most women who have abnormal BRCA1 and 2 genes have family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer. However, it is important to note that many women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer without BRCA1 and 2 abnormalities.

Deodorant/Antiperspirant: Recently researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle conducted a scientific study on the possible link between breast cancer and deodorant or antiperspirant use. They studied more than 1,600 women and found no direct link to breast cancer and deodorant use.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, October 16, 2002

Stress: There are many different conclusions as to whether stress is a factor increasing breast cancer risk. Dutch researchers recently did a meta-analysis (combining the results of a group of studies) to find links between stress and breast cancer. By looking at stress factors including death in the family, change in financial situation, loss of job and etc and found no link between having a stressful event and increased risk of developing breast cancer.
International Journal of Cancer, December 20, 2003S. Duijts et al


From American Cancer Society:

Cancer Facts and figures for 2006

Estimated Breast Cancer New Cases: Women: 212,920 Men: 1,720 Both: 214, 640

Estimated Deaths (rate per 100,000): Women: 40,970 Men: 460 Both: 41,430

Cancer Facts and Figures for African Americans 2005-2006

African Americans have the highest mortality rate of any racial or ethnic group for all cancers combined and for most major cancers.

Number of Deaths from Cancer 2001:

African American: 62, 166 Whites: 479, 647

Rates per 100,000 2000 US Population: African American: 243.8 Whites: 193.3

Incidents of Breast Cancer (per 100,000): African American 118.6 Whites: 143.2

Breast Cancer Death Rates (per 100,000): African Americans: 35.4 Whites: 26.4

Breast Cancer is the leading source of new cancer cases amongst African American women: 19,240 (29.9%) and is 2nd leading cause cancer deaths: 5,640 (18.4%). 30,140 African American Women died of cancer in 2001

For More Information Check Out:

Breast Cancer.Org:
American Cancer Society:
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer:

Live in California??

Sister Study:
Imani’s Breast and Skin Care, Oakland, CA
African American Community Health Group of the Central Coast,
Santa Cruz, CA


I am doing the Avon Breast Cancer Walk! Wanna Donate? Got to my Avon Breast Cancer Donation Site:

Why I am walking for Breasts. :)

On July 7th, I embarked on an adventure that I will never forget.

It began with me dragging a 40-pound bag stuffed with a blanket, travel pillow, two pairs of sneaks, jeans, sweats, flashlight, various drugs, toiletries and a sleeping bag from my apartment to the nearest Bart station. I headed towards San Francisco and stayed the night at the Renaissance Park Hotel. (Let me just add that the beds in that hotel are heavenly!) I then woke up at 4 am and boarded a bus to Golden Gate Park and ate a small banana and a container of juice upon arrival. Finally, I proceeded to make use of my skills as a cheerleader and encouraged 1900 women (and some men) who were about to start on a 39-mile walk for Breast Cancer.

That was just the beginning of my suffering- the real work came an hour later.

After the walkers began their journey, the 400 members of the Avon Breast Cancer Crew were bussed to the Wellness Village (or campsite) at Crissy Field underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. There, we proceeded to set-up tents, port-a-potties, medical supply stations, and information booths. We made breakfast/lunch/dinner, directed traffic and soothed annoyed local citizens and basically catered to the Breast Cancer Walker's every need.

Not only did I have to work, I worked under intolerable conditions! Although that particular weekend across the Bay Area was sunny and warm, under the bridge it was cold and windy. Practically every tent tried to fly away. My hair frizzed up from the fog and I swear my ankles were lunch for a variety small critters.

Why go through all of the trouble?

I had the opportunity to bond with some amazing women. I laughed. I cried. I shivered from the cold and treated some nasty blisters. It was wonderful.

I was also able to help save lives. Over 5.5 million dollars was raised that weekend and 5 Bay Area Breast Cancer research and support organizations each received checks for over a million dollars that Sunday.

One of the duties that I performed that weekend was passing out a pink ribbon at random to all of the women that said “Every 3 Minutes”. Every 3 minutes a woman gets the news that she has breast cancer. Every 3 minutes.

Any small contribution I make will bring us that much closer to finding a cure.

I signed up to walk 39 miles next year.


Wanna donate? Check out my Avon Breast Cancer Walk site:

The song of my life.

Music is a big part my life. If I don’t have something to listen to everyday, I just wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Apparently I can’t be alone with my own thoughts.

Often (at least once a month) I come across a song that just speaks to my soul. I’ll listen to it over and over until I can’t stand it any more. This week I have found one that I hope to keep with me forever. Have you ever had a song like that? One that not only reaches you but it is about you? A five minute song that sums up your life in totality? I sat listening to the 'song of my life' on the BART this morning, silently singing with tears in my eyes. That weirdo that you see every so often when you dare to take public transportation..yep. That was me.

Do you ever wake up in the morning look in the mirror and just cringe? Most of us have a healthy self-esteem but it is challenged everyday by society’s standards of what is beautiful. Every morning without fail, I focus on some flaw that I am sure everyone is staring at. I forget that God made me and He makes no mistakes. My true and natural beauty is the wonderful spirit within me and when that is reflected on my face, it is always recognized and admired. It wipes away all the insecurities which leaves me carefree and full of joy. I can only imagine what my life would be like if I remembered that instead of trying to cover the small zit on my forehead each morning.

Imagine me
Loving what I see when the mirror looks at me cuz I
I imagine me
In a place of no insecurities
And I’m finally happy cuz
I imagine me

To forgive and forget is easier said than done. How often do I go over and over in my mind the hurt and pain that someone has caused me? It is worse when the perpetrators are people who are close to me- who supposedly love me and have my best interests at heart. Remembering that kind pain protects one from being hurt again but it also constrains you and keeps you from moving forward. Why risk your heart to someone who will just hurt you? Because the resulting loneliness is too much to bear. It’s hard to realize that as God’s children we are never truly alone. His love surrounds us from when we wake up in the morning until we close our eyes at night. It’s unconditional and ever lasting and when you finally learn to trust and accept it, it frees you from the hurt and pain of the past. Can you imagine leaving all the pain and hurt behind?

Letting go of all of the ones who hurt me
Cuz they never did deserve me
Can you imagine me
Saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord can you imagine me
Over what ma mama said
And healed from what my daddy did
And I wanna live and not read that page again

As a young person trying to survive on my own, the world can be brutal and often I’m afraid. Bills, health, relationships, family and crime- it’s scary out there! What if I can’t do it right? What if I make a mistake? How do I fight against those that stand in my way? And WHY does it seem like everyone else has it all together and I am the only one who is struggling?

Being strong
And not letting people break me down
You won't get that joy this time around can you imagine me
In a world where nobody has to live afraid
Because of your love fear has gone away
Can you imagine me?

Having faith and putting my life in God’s hands will make life so much easier. I’d like to say that I am that place of being totally free and without fear. Nope, I’m not there yet. I often found that as I work my way around one stumbling block another one drops into my path. Yet everyday, the road to life is clearer as my relationship with God gets stronger.

Imagine me, being free, trusting you totally finally I can...
Imagine me
I admit it was hard to see
You being in love with someone like me
But finally I can...Imagine me

It is songs like “Imagine Me”; from Kirk Franklin that gives me hope and encouragement. Kirk Franklin often get's criticized for being unconventional. I praise him for being able to write songs that speaks into my life. I only wish that I had that same gift. (Don't worry I am working on it. ;) )

If you haven’t heard "Imagine Me" yet, here is my endorsement. Buy it- don’t “borrow” it. Find a space where it’s just you and the song. Think about how it relates to you. I bet you $100 that it will be the 'song of your life' too.

(Make your checks payable to Tonya D. Love- respond to this post and I will send you the address) :D

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mc Donald's is our only recourse!

Vegetables are dangerous!

First spinach tainted with e.coli!

Then carrotts!

Now I am watching the news and another company is recalling lettuce!

Is this a message, Lord?

Should we give up on veges and start pigging out?

I haven't had a decent burger in ages..

Quarter pounder with cheese... I'm Lovin' it! ;)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Save the insects! (an update)

Last year I made an ode to critters. It goes like this..


I like insects.

They are fascinating to look at while they contemplate their lives and livelyhood. The danger and the risk that they take just by sharing the world with us instrusive humans is amazing!

I live in an apartment surrounded by tall trees, bushes and flowers. At night during the rainy season, as I head to my front door, I get a special treat watching the snails crawl across the sidewalk. It's fascinating how they put their lives on the line in order to save themselves from drowning.

And during the apartment becomes home to many a lady bug trying to cool themselves from the dangerous sun. Yet, in a couple of days the die because I don't have water lying around my home ready for them to drink.

It freaks me out to see ladybugs in my home (or any other insect trying to secure shelter) and I immediately take steps to rid myself of these pests. Yet, at the same time, I can't help but feel sorry for them. All they are trying to do is LIVE!

I just don't want my home overrun with wildlife. The idea of some insect crawling around my bedroom gives me the willies...

But I always have this lovely little haiku in mind as I am getting ready to sacrifice another life for my comfort..

Kobayashi Issa

Oh, don't strike the fly!
See? With knees bent and hands clasped
he prays for his life.

Alas..survival of the fittest my friend. And since I am fitter than you must go. But as I smash you into oblivion take comfort in the fact that you have made an indelible impression on my heart. God Bless, my less fortunate friend!


I'd just like to add..I hate spiders. I saw one making the trek across my queen size bed when I was just about the leave for work. It stopped in the middle to rest, exhausted from the journey it had made so far. I decided to spare its life. I know I hate to be bothered when I am tired.

However, prepare for torture tonight, little spider. I heard conditions in the washing machine can be quite brutal. :(

Thursday, October 05, 2006

hanging on His Word: another poem

hanging on His Word: another poem

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Temporary M&M insanity.

There is something about M&M's that are so satisfying.

So addicting.

You eat one and the chocolate just bursts forth into your mouth like a huge surprise. You try to savour the moment, but it melts away and pure bliss pours down your throat and warms your heart and soul.

Then, you can't help yourself. You try to hold yourself back by eating them slowly. One at a time. Maybe organization will help? Okay..just the red ones. One at at time. Okay, maybe, two since there are only two red M&M's in the pile. Then you eat the green ones..but then there are four of those. Why not eat all four? Just stuff them into your mouth!

Then you have this huge avalanche of chocolate. The ecstasy can't be described!

Uh oh--there's a piece of candy shell stuck in your teeth!

Slow down..slow down..

But you can't! You just keep adding more ..and more..until there is only 1 brown one left.

OH the disHUMANITY! You stare at that last one in disbelief. Did I just eat a whole pack of M&M's in ..10 minutes?? Okay, I will stretch the last one.

tick..tock..tick..tock. The M&M seems to be staring right back at you.. 1 minute. .... 2 minutes.. Three minutes. Is it possible to smell chocolate that's covered in a candy shell? I swear there must be chocolate in my nose!

tick..tock..tick..tock. ALRIGHT.. DAMN IT! I'll eat you..and you're gonna be good!!

One pop..and it's gone. No more left.

...hmm does anyone have a dollar so I can buy some more??

Monday, October 02, 2006

For my friend Iisha :)

What do I eat?

Chocolate. Oh so sweet..a tasty treat.
Is too much sugar okay? Will it be good for Baby J?

Chicken. Real juicy and finger lickin..
Fried or baked, it'll look good on my plate!

Do I feel like cooking it though?
Heeeccckk No..!

Mac N cheese, if you please.
Rich and gooey..and not too chewy.

Nothin water's my mouth like food from the south!
But If I eat too fast..will it give Baby J gas?

Never mind..

Oh, what shall I do? Eat left overs or something new?
A smorgasboard or a little snack? Mc E-Dees or Jack N da Crack?

I'm at a loss, but something should be done..
I know! I'll call Clifton!