It's raining in SF/Bay Area and I am traumatized!
I left work early. It was my punishment to be cruelly and mercilessly attacked by the droplets of water falling from the sky that were occassionaly pushed into my face by hearty gusts of wind..
My cheap little Walgreens umbrella fought the good fight..but was spectacularly out-manuevered by the clever and much more experienced rain.
The weather man said occassional bursts of showers with sunshine in the afternoon. THEY LIED. THEY ARE ALL LIARS!!! Shower my derrier!..this was an onslaught. A full on war against designer ("I got 'em at Ross!") jeans and fashionable Reeboks! Thank the Almighty Jesus Christ that I didn't wear my strappy flats!
To add insult to injury I almost lost my life by some eager to get home driver who doesn't know what "No right turn on red" means. I was inches away from sure death! (Lexus..I want to thank you for installing anti-lock breaks on your vehicles. Thanks. A lot.)
I would also like to thank God for my Winter Weave. Without it, traumatized would not adequately describe my state of mind right now. Deep psychological depression might just cover it.
My cheap little Walgreens umbrella fought the good fight..but was spectacularly out-manuevered by the clever and much more experienced rain.
The weather man said occassional bursts of showers with sunshine in the afternoon. THEY LIED. THEY ARE ALL LIARS!!! Shower my derrier!..this was an onslaught. A full on war against designer ("I got 'em at Ross!") jeans and fashionable Reeboks! Thank the Almighty Jesus Christ that I didn't wear my strappy flats!
To add insult to injury I almost lost my life by some eager to get home driver who doesn't know what "No right turn on red" means. I was inches away from sure death! (Lexus..I want to thank you for installing anti-lock breaks on your vehicles. Thanks. A lot.)
I would also like to thank God for my Winter Weave. Without it, traumatized would not adequately describe my state of mind right now. Deep psychological depression might just cover it.
So I guess telling you that the closest we've come to rain down here is the sprinklers that go off every morning at 4am on our grass, would make you a little upset.
Ahhhhhh, SoCal it's a lovely 72+ degrees today.
::singing "It Never Rains in Southern California":: - Tony, Toni, Tone
Baby "J", at 9:57 AM
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