The song of my life.
Music is a big part my life. If I don’t have something to listen to everyday, I just wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Apparently I can’t be alone with my own thoughts.
Often (at least once a month) I come across a song that just speaks to my soul. I’ll listen to it over and over until I can’t stand it any more. This week I have found one that I hope to keep with me forever. Have you ever had a song like that? One that not only reaches you but it is about you? A five minute song that sums up your life in totality? I sat listening to the 'song of my life' on the BART this morning, silently singing with tears in my eyes. That weirdo that you see every so often when you dare to take public transportation..yep. That was me.
Do you ever wake up in the morning look in the mirror and just cringe? Most of us have a healthy self-esteem but it is challenged everyday by society’s standards of what is beautiful. Every morning without fail, I focus on some flaw that I am sure everyone is staring at. I forget that God made me and He makes no mistakes. My true and natural beauty is the wonderful spirit within me and when that is reflected on my face, it is always recognized and admired. It wipes away all the insecurities which leaves me carefree and full of joy. I can only imagine what my life would be like if I remembered that instead of trying to cover the small zit on my forehead each morning.
Imagine me
Loving what I see when the mirror looks at me cuz I
I imagine me
In a place of no insecurities
And I’m finally happy cuz
I imagine me
To forgive and forget is easier said than done. How often do I go over and over in my mind the hurt and pain that someone has caused me? It is worse when the perpetrators are people who are close to me- who supposedly love me and have my best interests at heart. Remembering that kind pain protects one from being hurt again but it also constrains you and keeps you from moving forward. Why risk your heart to someone who will just hurt you? Because the resulting loneliness is too much to bear. It’s hard to realize that as God’s children we are never truly alone. His love surrounds us from when we wake up in the morning until we close our eyes at night. It’s unconditional and ever lasting and when you finally learn to trust and accept it, it frees you from the hurt and pain of the past. Can you imagine leaving all the pain and hurt behind?
Letting go of all of the ones who hurt me
Cuz they never did deserve me
Can you imagine me
Saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord can you imagine me
Over what ma mama said
And healed from what my daddy did
And I wanna live and not read that page again
As a young person trying to survive on my own, the world can be brutal and often I’m afraid. Bills, health, relationships, family and crime- it’s scary out there! What if I can’t do it right? What if I make a mistake? How do I fight against those that stand in my way? And WHY does it seem like everyone else has it all together and I am the only one who is struggling?
Being strong
And not letting people break me down
You won't get that joy this time around can you imagine me
In a world where nobody has to live afraid
Because of your love fear has gone away
Can you imagine me?
Having faith and putting my life in God’s hands will make life so much easier. I’d like to say that I am that place of being totally free and without fear. Nope, I’m not there yet. I often found that as I work my way around one stumbling block another one drops into my path. Yet everyday, the road to life is clearer as my relationship with God gets stronger.
Imagine me, being free, trusting you totally finally I can...
Imagine me
I admit it was hard to see
You being in love with someone like me
But finally I can...Imagine me
It is songs like “Imagine Me”; from Kirk Franklin that gives me hope and encouragement. Kirk Franklin often get's criticized for being unconventional. I praise him for being able to write songs that speaks into my life. I only wish that I had that same gift. (Don't worry I am working on it. ;) )
If you haven’t heard "Imagine Me" yet, here is my endorsement. Buy it- don’t “borrow” it. Find a space where it’s just you and the song. Think about how it relates to you. I bet you $100 that it will be the 'song of your life' too.
(Make your checks payable to Tonya D. Love- respond to this post and I will send you the address) :D
Often (at least once a month) I come across a song that just speaks to my soul. I’ll listen to it over and over until I can’t stand it any more. This week I have found one that I hope to keep with me forever. Have you ever had a song like that? One that not only reaches you but it is about you? A five minute song that sums up your life in totality? I sat listening to the 'song of my life' on the BART this morning, silently singing with tears in my eyes. That weirdo that you see every so often when you dare to take public transportation..yep. That was me.
Do you ever wake up in the morning look in the mirror and just cringe? Most of us have a healthy self-esteem but it is challenged everyday by society’s standards of what is beautiful. Every morning without fail, I focus on some flaw that I am sure everyone is staring at. I forget that God made me and He makes no mistakes. My true and natural beauty is the wonderful spirit within me and when that is reflected on my face, it is always recognized and admired. It wipes away all the insecurities which leaves me carefree and full of joy. I can only imagine what my life would be like if I remembered that instead of trying to cover the small zit on my forehead each morning.
Imagine me
Loving what I see when the mirror looks at me cuz I
I imagine me
In a place of no insecurities
And I’m finally happy cuz
I imagine me
To forgive and forget is easier said than done. How often do I go over and over in my mind the hurt and pain that someone has caused me? It is worse when the perpetrators are people who are close to me- who supposedly love me and have my best interests at heart. Remembering that kind pain protects one from being hurt again but it also constrains you and keeps you from moving forward. Why risk your heart to someone who will just hurt you? Because the resulting loneliness is too much to bear. It’s hard to realize that as God’s children we are never truly alone. His love surrounds us from when we wake up in the morning until we close our eyes at night. It’s unconditional and ever lasting and when you finally learn to trust and accept it, it frees you from the hurt and pain of the past. Can you imagine leaving all the pain and hurt behind?
Letting go of all of the ones who hurt me
Cuz they never did deserve me
Can you imagine me
Saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord can you imagine me
Over what ma mama said
And healed from what my daddy did
And I wanna live and not read that page again
As a young person trying to survive on my own, the world can be brutal and often I’m afraid. Bills, health, relationships, family and crime- it’s scary out there! What if I can’t do it right? What if I make a mistake? How do I fight against those that stand in my way? And WHY does it seem like everyone else has it all together and I am the only one who is struggling?
Being strong
And not letting people break me down
You won't get that joy this time around can you imagine me
In a world where nobody has to live afraid
Because of your love fear has gone away
Can you imagine me?
Having faith and putting my life in God’s hands will make life so much easier. I’d like to say that I am that place of being totally free and without fear. Nope, I’m not there yet. I often found that as I work my way around one stumbling block another one drops into my path. Yet everyday, the road to life is clearer as my relationship with God gets stronger.
Imagine me, being free, trusting you totally finally I can...
Imagine me
I admit it was hard to see
You being in love with someone like me
But finally I can...Imagine me
It is songs like “Imagine Me”; from Kirk Franklin that gives me hope and encouragement. Kirk Franklin often get's criticized for being unconventional. I praise him for being able to write songs that speaks into my life. I only wish that I had that same gift. (Don't worry I am working on it. ;) )
If you haven’t heard "Imagine Me" yet, here is my endorsement. Buy it- don’t “borrow” it. Find a space where it’s just you and the song. Think about how it relates to you. I bet you $100 that it will be the 'song of your life' too.
(Make your checks payable to Tonya D. Love- respond to this post and I will send you the address) :D
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