Temporary M&M insanity.
There is something about M&M's that are so satisfying.
So addicting.
You eat one and the chocolate just bursts forth into your mouth like a huge surprise. You try to savour the moment, but it melts away and pure bliss pours down your throat and warms your heart and soul.
Then, you can't help yourself. You try to hold yourself back by eating them slowly. One at a time. Maybe organization will help? Okay..just the red ones. One at at time. Okay, maybe, two since there are only two red M&M's in the pile. Then you eat the green ones..but then there are four of those. Why not eat all four? Just stuff them into your mouth!
Then you have this huge avalanche of chocolate. The ecstasy can't be described!
Uh oh--there's a piece of candy shell stuck in your teeth!
Slow down..slow down..
But you can't! You just keep adding more ..and more..until there is only 1 brown one left.
OH the disHUMANITY! You stare at that last one in disbelief. Did I just eat a whole pack of M&M's in ..10 minutes?? Okay, I will stretch the last one.
tick..tock..tick..tock. The M&M seems to be staring right back at you.. 1 minute. .... 2 minutes.. Three minutes. Is it possible to smell chocolate that's covered in a candy shell? I swear there must be chocolate in my nose!
tick..tock..tick..tock. ALRIGHT.. DAMN IT! I'll eat you..and you're gonna be good!!
One pop..and it's gone. No more left.
...hmm does anyone have a dollar so I can buy some more??
Not only will I give you a dollar... ... I buy you a bag of M&M's just for reminding me how much I love M&M's. Just add them to my list of food.
Baby "J", at 6:31 PM
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